SEEKING to help mature & build up
the body of chrisT
We are not a place.
We are HIS people, HIS body...
HIS Church!
Discipleship Resources & Fellowship Opportunities
HIS Church exists to help Christians BE the Church, by building up Christ's body
through resources that teach effective Bible study and application,
and by offering opportunities to gather together in home settings as His people
to love one another, mutually encourage each other's faith,
and learn together the meaning of true unity and fellowship.
Excerpt from Lord's Army: Basic Training Manual:
While the New Testament (written in Greek) definitely has a great deal to say about “Church,” confusion arises because the Greek word for church has a much different meaning from how we use the word in English.
The New Testament consistently uses the word Church to identify a group of people, not a place. In addition, the majority of instructions to the Church, God's people, is not a command to “Go!” but instead addresses what the Church is to BE.
We believe that a passive audience structure usually found in traditional church buildings inhibits fellowship and growth.
Our ministry is accomplished in our homes, sitting in the family room and talking about the Lord and His Word
with each other face to face.
This is church.... HIS church!
J. Vernon McGee:
It is the belief of many folk today, and I have found this belief for years, that the church which began in the home will return to meeting in the home. Many of these great big buildings we call churches, with great steeples on them, are nothing more than a pile of brick, stone, and mortar. They are mausoleums, not living churches that contain a real, living body of believers. The church was never intended to be spoken of as a building.
Hebrews 10:24-25: “and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”